Gamer tag: LynXx
Years streaming: 4
Favorite video game franchise(s): Optic, 100T , FaZe , Subliners
Primary hobbies: Gaming, investing, staying up to date with current events
When asked about what he wants to accomplish during his time with Mazer, LynXx had this to say, “My main goal with my organization is to build a strong, engaged community around my content and gaming. I want to create a space where my subscribers feel connected and involved. To start, I plan to focus on increasing viewership by consistently pushing out exciting content, with the help of Mazer editors to clip highlights from my streams. As my viewership grows, I’d love to take it a step further by eventually hosting community tournaments for my subscribers. While I’m not quite there yet in terms of financial backing or viewership, it’s definitely a goal I’m working toward to further engage my community and bring value to the organization.”

You can find LynXx’s social’s here: