Jul 06, 2023

Mazer Brings On Variety Twitch Streamer Nekius!

Gamer Tag: Nekius

Years Streaming: 7

Favorite Video Game Series: Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Pokémon

Primary Hobbies: Discover new music and making mods for video game consoles

Beginning his streaming career in 2011 on the now defunct justin.tv website, variety streamer Nekius would fully make the jump to Twitch a few years later in 2013. He would, however, decide to take an extended hiatus from streaming to focus more on his family and school work. That hiatus would last a full five years before Nekius resumed streaming on Twitch in 2018, where he built up a modest but devoted fanbase for his diverse streaming content, which included playing Rock Band and retro games. In 2021, Nekius would also discover a passion for competitive Esports when he picked up the newly released online MOBA game, Pokémon Unite. The game quickly grew to become one of Nekius’s favorite games, with him even going on to win several big tournaments while playing for multiple teams like Brave Birds and Dreamernaut.GG. These days, however, Nekius has shifted his focus away from competing to becoming more of a mentor to his online community by teaching people how to play Unite, as well as how to improve in it.

When asked about what he wants to accomplish with his time at Mazer, Nekius had this to say, “I want to grow the Latin community within Mazer and help with events with my streaming ideas.”

You can find Nekius’s socials here:

Twitter: Https://www.twitter.com/SoyNekius

Instagram: Https://www.instagram.com/SoyNekius

Twitch: https://t.co/6jJvkNwfxH